Json open ai api doesn't recognise variables

Hi everyone, I would like to know if you have a solution I am trying to place an image variable in a json call api but it does not recognise the variable. I’ve tried using the direct link of the variable and it works.

With variable :

With direct link :

Also I can’t put it in separate fields because it’s a complex request that requires a json directly.

The thing is, I need it to be a variable because the value changes all the time every time a button is clicked.

Hi, you have to click on the variable in the explorer, not type “variables[…]”. remove what you typed after “url”: and click directly on the result variable from the explorer, it will show up in blue in the formula builder and will be concatenated automatically

It doesn’t do the same thing as you, I dont know why

Oh also i tried to remove the “” it worked but the api still bug

It’s a code status 500 so it means something broke on the server side (openapi), not weweb related :thinking:

Maybe OpenAPI is down right now ? Maybe this model is not available for you and require a special plan ?

But I can confirm your last loom is how you need to bind the data, its how binding works in formula.

You can check the result below the formula, by opening the content you will see the result of the formula, so you will see the base64.


Yes haha normally all the problems are solved, I’ve already tested I can do it for free and concerning the code 500 it’s already happened to me I just need to wait a bit and it’ll work, thanks!