Issues with linked sections

Hi guys.

I’m trying to duplicate page on my product and when selecting the ‘linked’ sections it’s still copying over all of the sections from the page i’m trying to copy.

I’ve logged a ticket but has anyone had any issues with this recently?

@Joyce @luka @Alexis

Hi guys,

any support on this please? I can’t continue my project currently

Hi @Newtothis,

This is not a bug.

When you duplicate a page, it will copy all of its section. If you choose to have some of these sections as linked sections, instead of creating a separate copy, it will create a new instance of that same section, i.e. a “linked” section, also called multi-page section.

Multi-page sections are interesting to optimize loading time of pages. You can learn more about them here: Multi-page sections | WeWeb documentation

Hi Joyce!

I feel stupid now… every day is a lesson :slight_smile:
thanks so much.

Naaah it’s a UX problem we need to fix! The UX and wording are too confusing inside the editor :slight_smile:

I appreciate that! thanks for the support as always :slight_smile: