Is it possible to package a project to allow edit original->update clones?

I’m likely not using the correct terminology, but is it possible to clone a project as a package, where if the original project is edited/updated, the cloned project can also be force updated? I guess this would be similar to components, but for an entire project. I’m trying to avoid having to maintain/update multiple projects with the same code.

The use case here is I have a company interested in white-labeling my app. So I’d need to clone the WeWeb project so it can be deployed on a new domain and also clone the Xano workspace. Xano Link supports this multi-tenancy functionality. Is it possible to do this with WeWeb?

I think you can only do one project and point multiple domains to it, but not multiple projects to achieve this.

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I haven’t played around with WeWeb libraries and components too much, but would a middle ground approach be to create components of the original app’s major functions and share the library within my workspace so the other projects (clones on unique domains) can be updated through the library functionality?