Is it possible for Table headers to be sticky?

Is it possible for data to scroll keeping the datatable headers sticky? I tried almost all options but it does not appear there is a built in feature.

Any one knows a hack?

In the Datagrid element there is a built in feature
Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 1.07.30 PM

Thanks @khairul
I was looking for similar behavior in Table element.

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Ahh sorry about that, there isn’t built in like datagrid, but you can manually do that in the editor:

  1. Select the header
    Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 1.35.03 PM

  2. Set position:sticky
    Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 1.34.57 PM

Let me know if that helps

p/s: turn on Z-Axis so it stays on top of your table contents

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