Input element questions

Hi friends!

I’m using the following form container element to input data into a table. I have a button above the table that, when clicked, makes this input row visible. Checkmark is a submit button, x button hides the element and resets all the values.

First question: I would like to add the ability to exit this by clicking outside the row (on background) in addition to using the X, but I’m not seeing that as a trigger I can use as part of a workflow. Anyone know of a way to accomplish what I’m describing?

Next: input formatting. One of these should be displayed as a dollar figure, with $, thousands separator, and .00 at the end. I’m able to do that with a regular number element (see the $5,000.00 that’s a calculated value on there) but can it be done on inputs too? I would also like to ensure the values input in that particular field always get passed to the backend with 2 decimals for consistency.

Then I have the exact same issue with another of these input fields that should show a % figure, again with two decimals.

Finally, regarding the unit selector on there that currently shows “s.f.”, I’m in search of a way to allow selection from an existing list of units but also allow adding new ones. My understanding is that’s not currently possible but that it’s on the roadmap, any further detail on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all!

Hi @gduteaud :wave:

I think for this one, you might be able to do it in no-code if you place the form container inside a modal.

This is doable with the multi-select element. We plan to add it to the select element as well. In the meantime, you can achieve this with the multi-select:

For your other two questions, I think that should be possible but let me check and get back to you

Hi Joyce! It’s great to get a response directly from you, I’ve done both levels of your WeWeb Academy course and watched a bunch more of your videos haha

Re: the first question, I don’t want to use a modal for this just from a UI perspective. Guess I’ll have to look into a non-nocode way of implementing what I have in mind!

I look forward to the “Allow to create option” setting to be added to the select element, since multi-select doesn’t work in this context.

Also looking forward to your answer on input formatting, thanks!

@Joyce any updates on input formatting? Thank you!