Imput select free layout only available for the drop down?

Hi everyone!

Im trying to recreate this design:

But so far this is as close as I can get:

Is there anyway to have kind of a free layout to the imput select box it self?

The coloured dots are simply divs.


I was wondering the same thing today after I managed to make the drop down section looking similar to yours. I am interested in the answer as well :slight_smile:

Hi @duarte :wave:

This is currently not possible, but it will be with the new select. Also, with the AI, you will be able to build any select you want too.

@danlopes when will it be available?

We don’t have an exact date. The top priority is the AI.

What about a hierarchical multi-select dropdown?

Is AI the answer to every question? haha

You will have the new select with all those features, and you will be able to build any select you want with the AI. Please accept that we are now focusing on the AI, this is our focus now.


Thanks @danlopes!

Not the answer I wished but happy to know a solution is in the making!!! :smiley:

Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the response! My humble feedback is that we should be able to create all these basic functionalities visually first — this is one of the main reasons I chose WeWeb. Then, having AI assist to speed up the process would be a great bonus. I understand it’s good for marketing, but this way, everything feels a bit underwhelming. Just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

We are focusing on the AI