Image Slider - get source from array objects

I am trying to hook up an Image Slider. But, the array that I have contains objects with 2 pieces of information each. Source (this is what I need) and an ID. I can’t change the structure of my collection without a lot of effort. I’ve tried CoPilot, but I don’t seem to be phrasing it correctly.

Is there a way to write the formula to just get an array of image source urls?

Did you try the array nocode formula map?

Oh! I didn’t know about that function.

I am trying it now, and not sure how to get thy key value to be source. any tips?

You need to pass the path as the second argument

map(myVariable, 'source') in your usecase

Thanks for that. I wasn’t sure of the formatting. So, now I can see the image source URLs, the actual images are not displaying. any ideas what I am missing?

Nevermind. I realized that in the element sidebar, the Image element was not in the Flexbox. Once I did that and bound the image to the item data, source, it worked perfectly.
Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 9.01.49 AM