I have a workflow with 2 sequential REST API actions (both POSTs). The second action needs to use a value returned from the first action. I can’t find the actions anywhere in the binding UI so I don’t know how to get the value from the first action to bind it to a field in the second action.
Is there a way to do this?
What if I want to store it as a variable? I mean you can change the variable, but then it gives ugly undefined before u trigger the REST fetch
you can access the value of the previous action, so you can change a variable value in the next step.
Of course every time you load the editor there is not test data in the workflow, you need to test the previous action to see the data.
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Thanks for your advice here, I can see the Action responses in the Actions (lightning) tab now.
This tab was completely empty for me which is why I submitted this question. I’ve now created a new workflow and I can see the actions in there. Perhaps a bug?
The result may be empty if the workflow was never ran on the page. We need it to be executed at least once to see the result