How to save stripe card first for future payment?

Hi everyone,

First, I want to save the user card. When a user makes an order, he can select that particular card for payment. The Stripe documentation in WeWeb does not mention anything about that.

Does anyone have an idea to solve this?

Hi there! The only place where you can save the card is on Stripe itself - do not intend to do it anywhere else!!!

In Stripe lingo, you can “attach a payment method” to a specific customer. You have a wide range of API endpoints for managing payment methods in Stripe - you can call these endpoints from your backend.

Please review the API guide here: Save payment details during payment | Stripe Documentation

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Yes, I’ll save it on stripe end. I want to use stripe elements to save card information without charging users. I checked the stripe plugin but it requires price_id and some other parameters. Can you tell me how I can use stripe elements with setupIntent API on weweb?