There is no overflow option to be seen even after adding the max-height attribute how to make the sidemenu scrollable?
Scrollable separately from the content or together with the content?
ideally together with the content but so far i couldn’t make it scroll eitherway @luka
You shouldnt be using the sidemenu element then. you use a basic section
I currently have sidemenu,header,content as layouts. If i replace sidemenu with basic section i couldn’t exactly fit it like the sidemenu .
here is a sketch of my current layout:
If i change the sidemenu to section it doesnt appear as such im having a difficult time to deal with the layout. If i have to change it to section what are the layout elements/children structure that i should be having?
You should change it to a section to enjoy full capabilities of a SPA
You have a section sidemenu in the ‘+’ panel under ‘Layout’ along with the ‘Content’ section
I am currently using sidemenu under If I change sidemenu to this ‘section’. This section makes the page scrollable but It just pushes the ‘content’ layout down even after i modify the styling.
You can use this one as a starting point