How to configure collection from JSON database

Hi, I’m totally new with WeWeb and doesn’t know programming either…
I’m trying to make a dynamic collection to a construction database (JSON file). Here is more details of it: Carbonneutralfinland > Construction emission database

here is the database:

Could you advice how can I configure it correctly, thanks.

  1. Install the plugin for REST
  2. You need to set up a REST API request like this:
    @Alexis for some reason I get a Network error when I try to fetch this as a dynamic collection.

Then with the data, you can do anything you need @Novice

Its a CORS issue. It happen when the API doesn’t allow cross domain origin. The browser will block the request. We made an option specially to overcome this limitation. You can select Make this reques through a server and it will works! :tada:

How come it works with Static but not with Dynamic? Is it a different way of fetching things?

Static are fetched on the backend! Static are never fetched from the browser.

In the editor you can fetch them multiple time, but on the published app a static collection is fetched only at the build time, we store them and serve them when needed, this is how you can use them to build static collection page, because we fetch them at the build time and create a page for every item in the static collection.

Worked! Thanks a lot!

Indeed, makes sense) Glad it worked @Novice