How to check if all collections are fetched?


If you have a page where you’re fetching i.e. 6 collections, is there a way to check if all collections are fetched without checking them individually?

Thanks for your advice!

You can go to the log panel and filter with Collection to see what’s happening


Maybe I should have given more context in my question. I want to know if there is a way to check in a workflow if all collections are fetched (i.e. in an True/False split) and run an action based on that.


CleanShot 2024-03-13 at 13.56.13
You could bind your true/false split bound to the isFetched of all the collection you want to check — separated with a AND statement?
But that may not have been the answer to the “not manual” part?

Yes, I want to avoid having to check each individual fetch because that may vary depending on the user’s behaviour. That’s why I’m hoping to find a way to have a “all collections are fetched” condition.
