How to stop fetching all collection on each page load

Recently I feel a serious slowdown on page load. I found that the collection are all fetched upon page load. Is there a way I can shut down this function?

You can disable it in the collection settings.
Usually it’s under Fetch Data → Advanced → Fetch this collection automatically

Interesting fact: By my understanding the way collections work in WeWeb, is not that it fetches all of them, but it detects which ones are present in your page, and then it fetches only those.

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If fetching collection automatically, we will indeed only fetch those collections being used on the page. If you notice a different behaviour we would like to see the logs when a page loads

will the collection be fetched automatically even if that element that needs the collection is set to “conditional off”?

I am noticing that even though I have hidden the element that requires this collection, it still fetches it when its not required.

I noticed that as well, as I have quite a few conditional elements on most pages. Ended up just turning off the auto-fetch on nearly all of the collections and explicitly fetch when needed.

Do you fetch on page load? Wondering what’s the fastest way to fetch the collection that I actually do need, in terms of user experience.

Just depends. On most of my pages I have a primary record that the user is interacting with that I will fetch on page load. Each page also has several modals that conditionally open on button presses. The collections needed to interact with the modal gets fetched in the workflow that opens the modal. Then the primary gets refreshed on the modal close to refresh the page information.

FWIW, I’m using Xano. I’m also adding related record information to the primary API calls using add-ons so I’m not having to fetch multiple collections as much.

Eg. Modifying the call by adding several commonly used fields from the user’s company record (separate table).

Same experience here. I am trying to turn off all the collections fetching as it is dragging the speed down. It doesn’t seems to fetch the used one only.