How to change project's variables values with Custom Javascript?

Hi there,

I have a Custom Javascript code into my component’s workflow, and I want to change a component’s variable (but let’s extend the question to any variable) value into this code. But when I click the variable to have its reference and set it to a new value, like :
context.component?.variables?.['36fad30d-9163-4321-a83b-28a8a3be3bf1'] = 10;

… then I have an error in the console :

name: "SyntaxError"
stack: "SyntaxError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment at executeCode ...
message: "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"

… which let me guess I might not be allowed to do this. I could return an object and set another action ‘Change variable value’ thanks to that object but it’s less concise.

Thanks to let me know the good ways.


Ah ok, it’s due to optional chaining… thanks !