How do I delete a photo from WeWeb's CDN?


I want to make a preview photo function for an user’s profile page. When the user upload’s a file, it is stored in WeWeb’s CDN for the preview. Normally, an user can upload multiple photos, to see which one he likes, but the problem is that all the photos he uploads, are stored in my WeWeb memory

Is there a way to delete the photos uploaded that are not sent to Xano? Because only one photo is sent to Xano, the one he chooses to send, but the problem is, he may upload 10 photos until he chooses to save one.

How can I make a photo be deleted if it’s not saved (uploaded) to Xano

Hi @FaneBabanu :wave:

Right now it’s not possible to do this with a workflow, you need to do it manually.

Adding that feature is on our roadmap, along with a number of other improvements to make file management more easy.

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