Removing images from weweb storage


is there any faster way than one by one, to remove images from weweb storage? i have thousands

Br, Antti

Hi @Vuotian :wave:

Not at the moment unfortunately.

It’s on our radar but we haven’t prioritized it yet.

Can you tell me more about your use case? Did you upload the images yourself while building or are the images being uploaded by the users of your app?

I have a use case example

We have 40k assets. Each has its own logo. We save them to ensure object permanence vs using an external url, but often this may get updated or the source gets ypdated (images we scrape from Facebook or a site using airtable images).

If I just keep adding more images I’d be effed as we run out of storage quickly. Currently we use around 7 Gb of google cloud storage to host our images but we wouldn’t want that to grow necessarily .

Soon we’ll be having users submit files (large csvs and PDFs) too which will take more space but after a while we can dispose of the files too potentially.

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Oooh so interesting! Thanks, Jared. Just added your use case to the product ticket on the topic to help the team prioritize.

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