I want to a a dynamic tree structure based on a hierachical collection (probably with a ‘parent’ column).
Is it possible to obtain such a result by configuring an existing list/table widget?
Or do I need to create a specific one :-/
I’m sure that I’m not the first one to have such a need …
I have found no clues on this forum.
Not sure to understand your question. Would you have a visual example of what you’re trying to do?
Sorry if I’m not clear
How can I implement somethink like the left object hierarchy in the Weweb interface?
That would be doable with flexboxes, and handling conditional display of a subsection based on if a user clicked a title.
You could use our sidebar element for this!
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It sounds like you would have to hardcode each section and subsection in order for this to work. What if you wanted to display different hierarchical data for each user? For example if you had a parent and child structure in a SQl database that you wanted to preset.
You can do this with components by nesting them and repeating them, unfortunately as stated by @aurelie for security reasons, the depth of your tree would be max 10 items.