Dynamic Children from API response

Hi there,

I watched the youtube tutorial and read some doc about API collection item but can’t find my answer.

I have a rather big API response with a long tree of list of result etc… I simply want to test it out by creating a dynamic table that would take 4/5 informations per lines and keep creating lines for every item in my API result. Don’t know if it make sens.

In other word, i want to test that out with my API : Work with REST API data in WeWeb - YouTube

As you can see, her API result is rather simple but im sure i can work my way around, still i don’t know how.

Thanks for reading me and thanks in advanced if you answer me.

Could you share an example of the response tree?


The response in this API call can go down to 10 level.

[EDIT] - I want to be able to access and display informations on the “items[0]” level, it is information like Title, id, description, etc.

items it’s an array. You can use it anywhere you would bind an array, like a collection list, and create the ui that will show the data of the repeated items.

I surely am dumb this morning but i can’t make it work.

I bind “items” with the collection list and everything else like the on the Weweb video tutorial but it say empty list.

you are binding items[0] which is the first element of the array. Try binding one level up the tree: only items

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:dotted_line_face: it works. Thanks a lot.

I can’t believe it, i could’ve sware i tried it this way. I’m gonna take a walk to give my brain some fresh air. :joy:


a walk with fresh air is the best productivity booster :smile:

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haha story of my life! :joy:

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