Help! WeWeb editor not saving!

Hi there,

I’ve just spent the last two hours setting up a design system within WeWeb.

The editor hasn’t been able to save it since I started the work. This modal would pop up if I tried to navigate to another page.

I thought it needed more time, so I continued working on the design system. It’s been two hours now, and that message is still showing up.

CleanShot 2024-09-01 at 15.46.08

Getting this spinner of death happening…

What should I do?

I have to leave this cafe in about an hour. I’m afraid I’m going to lose all my work! :frowning:

I’d say you ignored the warning, so you’ll have to bear the consequences :grimacing: as far as I know, no workarounds for this

Yeah. All the work is gone. Not a happy camper. The wheel is still spinning as well.