Have ChatGPT analyze data & feed variables with response

Hi everyone,

I’m trying ChatGPT to analyze data from my user’s response to a survey. I have the data stored in Xano so I created an API to get the data from Xano to WeWeb (standard “query all records” function), and then sending the data to ChatGPT using a variable. The problem is that ChatGPT doesn’t like the format. This is what I get as a response: *"It appears that the data provided for analysis, particularly under “Actions completeness” and “Survey results,” is represented as [object Object], indicating it may be an array of objects, but the details of these objects are not visible in the provided information. *

To effectively analyze the worker’s level of engagement based on the data, I would need the actual content of these objects. "

This is an example of what I’m sending:


Any ideas on how to make it work?

Thank you!

I was able to make ChatGPT read my data by encoding it to JSON and then applying a Join in Xano :slightly_smiling_face: In case someone is curious:

I have an extra question though - any recommendations on how to use the response provided by ChatGPT if I want to feed different variables with pieces of data from a single response?

For example, given this use case, I’d like ChatGPT to provide an Engagement score / Readiness level based on the data. Any recommendations on the best approach to prompt and then transform the response if I then want to create a variable = Engagement score and another variable = Readiness level?

I tried prompting to provide the response in CSV format but I’m not able to correctly transform it into a useful format.