Freeze a column on horizontal scroll

How do I “freeze” the first column in a datagrid so that it does not scroll horizontally, instead staying fixed in place?

Hi @mander :wave:

It’s not possible to do this with the data grid at the moment but I’ll pass on the request to the product team so they can explore the idea.

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Ah, bummer :confused: Appreciate it, thanks!

Maybe you could hack this with some custom code, could you share how your datagrid looks like?

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Or if you want to keep it full no-code, you could build your own data grid using the table element with inputs.

In that case, you would be able to freeze the first column:

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This seems like the best solution. Really appreciate the video and help @Joyce ! Might be a great topic for a future full length video on building your own datagrid (if one does not exist already).

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