Flickering web editor

Hello. I’ve been experiencing a flickering screen (Chrome) in the editor for a couple of months now. I thought it was just a temporary thing but with multiple restarts of computer and browser (including cache resets etc), the issue isn’t going away. It is enough to drive me insane at times - like being in a night club with strobe lights going, while trying to work.

Interestingly, the only way for me to stop the non-stop flickering in the editor is to start recording a video (specifically a Loom video)! Of course, this makes sharing the issue with you a bit difficult, so please excuse this video taken with a mobile.

Can someone please help me resolve this issue (likely specific to my setup as I can’t find anything in the forum on this)?

Thank you.

Oooh weird. I’ll ask the tech team to help with this one!

In the meantime, a couple of questions for you:

  1. I’m guessing this is only happening in the WeWeb Editor, not other websites. is that correct?
  2. does it happen on all the pages of your project or only a few?
  3. can you try deactivating all your browser extension (if it stops the flickering, turn them back on one by one)
  4. if you unplug and move away from all electronics or as many as you can (screens, mics, etc.), do you still get the flickering?
  5. do you get the flickering on all your screens?

Might be related to GPU acceleration in your browser ?
If you are Mac , use Arc or Orion there is no going back after

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:point_up_2: truth