"first parameter must be an object" - > help please!


Hello everyone,

I’m encountering an issue with a formula that results in the error “first parameter must be an object.” This formula helps for the true/false split. The problem is that with this error, it always goes false where I’d like instead that it goes in true.

This error occurs only for new users because, for them, the collection is empty. Once there’s something in the collection, the error no longer appears.

Here is a screenshot of the formula:

Has anyone faced a similar issue or can offer any advice on how to resolve this?

Thank you!

PS: I tried to put a second if at the beginning to test that if the array is empty, go on the “true” side of the true/false split but still I get the “first parameter must be an object” error… This is more frustrating than a rubix cube :smiley:

I used java script for this and rounded it by catch error and try and it will work

also you can add if empty on the object and add {} if empty