Struggling with a simple formula

So, I’ve been doing well learning away on formulas with the help of co-pilot - but I am banging my head on one - that should be very simple lookup and probably very common but no matter what I do I keep getting errors.

I am trying to get the ID from a Collection (table in Xano) where my Variable exists in a specificField.

My last (failed) attempt was:
getKeyValue (lookup ( Variable, Collection, 'specificField’) , ‘id’)

error = “Fist parameter must be an object”

Any help most appreciated - co-pilot has been crushing formulas for me - but for some reason I can’t get this simple one to work.

I think this formula will help Array Formulas | WeWeb documentation

filterByKey(collection, "key", "value")

That will return an array so you can just add [0] at the end to get the first item.