Filter collection using number information


I’m retrieving a collection from Xano that comes with a specific field called “valor_min” that has a number in it.


I want to filter a grid list getting all items that have a value lower than this one. However, when I try to use it inside the filter feature, it shows this field as an object and not as a number. Therefore, I just have the object conditions (contains, does not contain, etc)

What am I missing?


Hi, I think it’s an annoying bug, it could happen because one of your valor_min is empty, maybe the first one ? As we often evaluate the data type based on the first element of your collection.

If it’s the case, and if you can force a temporary value for the first element, you should be able to set the rule properly.

You nailed it. The first record was empty. As soon as I inserted the data, everything worked.


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