Using WeWeb Auth. Is it possible to expose the users in the completed app? I want Managers to be able to manage their own users but not through the WeWeb editor.
Hi @Waz
It’s not possible at the moment no. Not sure if it’s something we’ll work on adding in the future because we really specialize in the frontend side of things and only developed the WeWeb Auth plugin to help people with the most basic use cases in the context of an MVP.
May I ask what data source(s) and backend you’re using? Perhaps another auth plugin would work well for your use case.
Hi Joyce,
Thanks again for you taking time to answer my questions.
I ended up learning and using Token Auth.
I’m using Node-RED as the middleware and postgres as the database.
I’ve come up with a system that authenticates the user and issues a token.
I needed a way for admin users to make changes to other users in the database.
Using the users token, an API get request is sent to Node-RED. Node-RED verifies the token and decodes the email and user ID that are then verified in the users table. If authorised, send the users table.
This then allows me to have the users table exposed only to authenticated admin users on an admin only page. The admin page only shows if the API request returns ok. Content is gated server side (Node-RED) though.
Admins can create/suspend and promote/demote other users to admin within the web app. No need to teach admin level staff how to use WeWeb auth.
Node-RED works really well with WeWeb. I might share these findings with the community at some point if anyone is interested.
It’s a no code/low code platform, so it’s perfect for the WeWeb audience.