Exit (or stop, break) linear workflow based on condition

I have a linear workflow. If I want to just exit (end) the workflow if a condition is met (e.g. a value is higher than 30) I currently must use a True/False split and put all actions in the false branch. This is very annoying if I have to add a True/Split to a complicated workflow: I must move all actions into the false branch. And if I remove the condition (I actually had to), I must first move the false steps outside before I can delete the True/False.

A Pass-through action doesn’t work, it continues the workflow even if the “break” condition is met. Is there a way to simply exit the workflow? Or did I misunderstood how the pass-through is used?

A break action would also be useful as an action to stop a workflow for testing, e.g. before data is saved.

The “Pass through condition” is the one you are looking for, it works just fine for me.
The condition needs to return true to continue, and false to stop.

Thank you! Now I know why it didn’t work: I assumed it should exit if the result is true! This should be mentioned on the help page (Iterator (for loop) action | WeWeb Documentation).