Easiest way to change order of lessons?

I have a series of lessons that I want to be able to drag and drop (or click up and down) and change the order number.

What’s the easiest way to do this? I would prefer not to use the Kanban because it is very laggy when there are so many lessons and I need 1 Kanban board for each of the categories. Also, I can’t change the order across categories…

Upon moving I want to change the order number of everything in the category so that it’s 1,2,3,4,5 in the NEW correct order…

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Hmm, in my experience, kanban got better recently, performance wise. Might also be a problem just in the editor :slight_smile: btw you can use just the kanban stack outside of the kanban itself.

I just added the stack itself to the Add panel under ‘Useful’ as ‘Stackable list’(the last one)

Let me know if it meets your performance and UX needs



Very nice! But how can I read the sorted list to save it in a database? I found no variable…

Ahh with the on item moved workflow there is all I need … makes perfectly sense…

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