⚡ Easier and faster way to import icons

Hey everyone :waving_hand:

Great news!

Now you can import icons directly from the “Asset tab”.

You can import your own custom icon set, or use the existing libraries by clicking “Manage icon sets.”

Don’t see a library that you need? Let us know, we’re working on expanding the list!


Cool. Is it safe to assume all of the existing libraries available are license-free for use on commercial projects?

That’s a hella good question. Also, will the Icon field be converted, ever? Next week maybe? :smirking_face: Currently it’s not supporting the new icons.

Do you have plans to add iconify to it?

Hey Eric, yes, all icon sets that we use are open-source :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Maria :waving_hand:

We’re already using Iconify (our current libraries), and we’ll continue to add more over time :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good stuff! Will icon packs that I added the old way stay available, or should I plan to replace them?

This came at the perfect time for me! Thanks WeWeb Team

Great work guys!!!
Are there plans to add component properties to adapt to this new icon selection standard?

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