Default Icon pack


Is there a way to download the default icon pack and reupload it to the editor? I don’t know how i managed to do that but i’ve erased all icons files :face_with_peeking_eye:.

Thanks for your help!

i’ve reset all the links with thoses values:


Hello @Frekofou :grinning: not sure I understand your second message. Were you able to resolve this issue?

Hello @Joyce ,

Yes that was “my fix”, i’ve reset all the icons by re-importing datas from another WW project.

i shared the default values here, in case someone’s got the same issue.

Although, i still don’t know why this happened, and why i’ve lost my icons configuration. I was trying to import a new set of icons, i guess i did it wrong!

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Awesome! Well done for solving it!

I’ll share your feedback with the product team because we don’t want this to happen by accident.

I have a similar issue to this. I attempted to import a list of google-material icons for my project without any luck.

I’ve deleted the file and now I don’t see any of the default project icons. In addition to that, in the console it appears that the file I deleted ‘sk-google-material-icons.min.css’ is still trying to be fetched and is contributing to a slower page load.

How do I resolve this?

Could you send me your app’s URL (in the editor) in a DM @MichaelLovell? I’ll have a look and forward it to our tech team.

It would be interesting to natively integrate WeWeb with the Iconify library.

This allows you to have thousands of icons from the best libraries.

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This happened to me too, all my default icon sets disappeared when I tried to import a new font.

I’ve been internally advocating for Iconify for years!

not native but it looks like it works with the npm plugin:

<iconify-icon icon="cil:locomotive" height="36"></iconify-icon>
