Dynamic collection page

I’m trying to create a dynamic collection page with cards that lead to a dedicated page. I’m following this tutorial : https://youtu.be/mLM8EY0Ub5w?si=78rDaZ5oBTRXBN5y&t=205. but she doesn’t say what to add in the fields key and value ?

Hi @antony :wave:

that’s a Xano authentication header: Authenticated API Requests | Xano Documentation

I don’t think you still need to add that just to have a details page for each card.

  1. Create cards page
  2. Create collection to store all cards
  3. Create Card details page and a card collection for only one card (the endpoint for this collection should be cards/id, but there is no dynamic id yet, so just paste the same endpoint for the cards collection)
  4. Add a page URL path to the Card details page, set it to ‘‘id’’

When trying to navigate to the Card details page using the Link to property or Navigate action, pass the id, retrieve it then make endpoint dynamic.

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