Dropdown gets cut off?

How do I get the dropdown to not get cut off at the bottom?

I have a card and this dropdown is inside the card.

Overflow is currently unset. If I try to change it to auto, it doesn’t work →

have you tried overflow: visible?

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I just did! But that didn’t work as well…

I’m having the same issue in a datagrid.

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Overflow: visible should be applied on the parent elements instead of the dropdown itself


Even when I set the overflow of the parent to visible, I still have the dropdown cut off when I put the multi-select on a Kanban card. Is this a particular behavior for the Kanban ?
Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 13.23.12

It was me messing the z-axis value on some elements of the Kanban. After a full recheck of all the elements it is now working as expected.

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