Drop down menu from avatar

Hi guys,

i’m just wondering the best practice for creating a drop down menu off the back of an avatar?

For reference I would like for my user to be able to click on the avatar and a drop down menu appear which allows them to link to pages such as account/settings etc.

Hi @Newtothis
I think you can use the Dropdown component for that. You can drop your avatar on the Trigger dropzone and have your menu in the Dropdown dropzone.
CleanShot 2024-04-02 at 09.59.43

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Hi @jptrinh

thank you so much, I got this functioning correctly however, because of the placement of the avatar the drop down looks strange from a UX standpoint.

I’ve decided to have the avatar trigger a collapsable side menu once clicked as it looks much cleaner!

thanks for the help.

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