Display bug on scroll how to deal with?

Hi guys,

I was curious to know, how do you guys deal with this type of bug once published?

I have a sticky CTA, but seems like it’s not as sticky when I scroll “fast” on my phone.

Any idea?

Here are the settings:

Humm does it behave the same if you put a fixed position (I think this value should also work for your use-case?) instead of a sticky?

My concern with fixed positioning is that the rendering differs on mobile devices between iOS and Android. What would you recommend?

Hi, it’s seems to be a known browser related bug Mobile browser bars being hidden can affect CSS position sticky bottom | Steve Fenton

The simplest solution suggested is

If you add any fixed-position element to the page, the bug with the sticky position element just goes away. The fixed-position element somehow triggers some form of tracking that probably ought to be triggered by sticky-positioned elements, too - so just by adding an empty element with position: fixed the problem is solved.

You may try this one. Add an empty element with a fixed position or add the fixed position to one of your element in the page if you can.

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Thank you @Alexis will do it.

I have tried, but the issue persists. It didn’t fix it