Date Format Today's Date

This feels like something simple that I should be able to figure out, but I’m a little stumped.

I just want to display “It is Tuesday, March 15th” at the top of the user’s home page, but can’t figure out how to format the Now() value with a formula. Anyone have the answer?

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Hey @kyanaloe :wave:

You can use the date element to do this.

CleanShot 2022-03-23 at 10.04.22@2x

It’s based on DayJS, so you can find all the formatting docs here: Format · Day.js

Also, it works with UNIX timestamps and ISO ones :wink:


Can you help me figure out how to set it to my time zone (EST)?

If your date has a timezone already, it will be displayed in the end user’s browser timezone by default

Hi Quentin, I’m still struggling with this. See this picture, where the date and time should display at 7:59pm EST, but instead it displays as 2:59.

It’s probably related to this.
Try using new Date() instead of now()