Data Grid Select Line

Hello Comunity.
I am new user the comunity and need help.

I have a Data grid conect a rest api, and need select a unic line for edit the data, but on click select all data of the data grid.

How do I select just one record from the data grid?
data grid

Hey @kadujve :wave:

When you select an element with the checkbox, it updates the selectedRows variable with only the checked rows.

Can you show us what it looks like on your side when you try to select a row?

Good morning .

When selecting a record it selects all lines in the grid.

Follow image
data grid 1

According to the log, when selecting a record it selects all objects that are within the data grid.
data grid 2

Thanks for the screenshots :slight_smile:
How does you data looks like?
When you are setting up you Data grid, you can choose, a Unique id to identify each row. If some rows share the same identifier, then they will all be selected when you check that box.
CleanShot 2024-07-22 at 19.07.07

Thank you, I changed the Unique reference to ID and it solved the problem. Have a nice week
data grid 3

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