Is there a way to pre-select rows on a datagrid?

Hi there,

Is there a way to pre-select rows on a datagrid, based on data?

Like an initvalue on other input elements.

All the best,

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I think it can be done using variable.

For example clicking on each line adds that line to an array variable. And then you can do whatever you want with the array, which will be all that were selected.

I haven’t implemented this scenario, but would try this logic.

Hi @mitsley
Did you find a way to solve this?
I am allowing the user to select rows in a datagrid, the selected rows are stored in a variable when they click a button. I want the user to be able to change their mind and open the datagrid again to change the selections. The rows that they selected previously should already be selected at that time.
Curious to hear if you figured out how to do this!