[BUG] File uploader progress

Hello team,

I’ve been running a project in production for several years, using a file uploader component. Recently, I noticed an issue: occasionally, when uploading a file, the progress bar freezes before reaching 100%. The progress value comes directly from the component, so I suspect this might be a bug.

Interestingly, the file does upload completely and correctly to 100%. The issue seems to be with the “Input File Drop - progress” display, which doesn’t reflect the final upload status.

When testing in the editor, the error doesn’t occur—it only happens in production.

Let me know if you need additional details or testing to help resolve this!

Test file

@Joyce do you have any news on this?

Hi @JocsanMorera :wave:

Apologies for the late reply. I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue on my side. Would you mind sharing a video of how things are setup on your side?