Create a location filter


I’m new to WeWeb and currently in the process of familiarizing myself with its features.

I’m attempting to create a specific function: a dropdown menu that allows users to select a location, extract the city, and save the location in a variable. This information will then be reused across various screens. The stored location will assist me in filtering the data displayed from Xano.

see the loom corresponding underneath

Can you please provide step by step guidance on how to achieve that, I don’t even know yet right now how to use variable etc.

Thank you a lot.


Hi Davy,

you would want to create the variable and make sure ‘preserve on navigation is selected’

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 14.10.08

This means that the users choice of location will be retained when moving through pages etc.

Hey @Joyce as discussed here is the post.

Thank you @Newtothis for your help, I am confused about the first steps and how to get the city, how to save it and use the city name as a variable.