Copy to Clipboard Action Being Blocked in Safari

Hello everyone!

Has anyone experienced issues with the “copy to clipboard” action in a WeWeb workflow being blocked by Safari without prompting users to allow it?

It seems Safari might automatically block this action by default instead of prompting users to approve it. Does anyone know if there’s a way to manually trigger a prompt when the status is disabled, or has anyone encountered and resolved this issue before?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

can you describe the workflow that uses the copy to clipboard action? what is the trigger?

in some browser accessing the clipboard requires user interaction: it works if your workflow is triggered by a mouse click.

Hi it’s on mouse click! Essentially it goes like this:

  1. Makes a request to Xano
  2. Takes the result and copy’s to clipboard.

For some reason some Safari users are having to manually go into site settings and allow copy to clipboard. Not sure if it’s because we are doing that all in one workflow on mouse click vs. just having a direct variable copied on click in a separate workflow.

I would try to fetch the data from xano separately and then on click copy the value

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