Connect to Supabase Storage S3

Good afternoon,

I am new to WeWeb and trying to connect to the Supabase Storage S3.

From the Supabase docs, it looks like I should be using the aws-sdk/client-s3 library to authenticate and interact with the API. I found a library with this name on NPM but unfortunately the Global Property is empty.

Could you:

  1. Please let me know if it is correct to use the aws-sdk/client-s3 library on NPM in order to access data stored in Supabase S3 storage?
  2. If no, what approach would you take?
  3. If yes, what is the Global Property that I should input for this library (it is currently blank, see screenshot below).

Thank you,


In the vast majority of cases, the front end should not be using those libs. You should mediate the relationship with s3 (and compatible services like this one) through a backend. Supabase functions are an option for this, tho they are in JavaScript and it seems like that might be a challenge here. Xano, buildship and fastgen are all no-code backends you might check out.

In the alternative, Uploadcare is a dedicated service designed to be used from the front end and bridges to s3-style services on the backend.