Concatenating texts (string values) in an array

I have an array in a Supabase collection that looks something like this

  • Object 1
    • String a
  • Object 2
    • String b
  • Object 3
    • String c

Effectually, I want to consolidate all of these objects into a single record and save it as a new record in a different table in Supabase (i.e., in a different collection in WeWeb). I am having trouble doing so with the string values.

I am currently using a function that looks something like this:


However, this causes WeWeb to delimit each string value with a comma, such that the output looks like this

String a, String b, String c

Is there a way to change the delimiter used by the concatenate function, or a workaround that would enable me to more effectively consolidate the String values into a single record?

Hi, concatenate expect to have a list of arguments, not an array.
You just need to spread your map before

concatenate(,string_field_key)) will return StringAStringBStringC

(Notice the ... just before map)

You can also use the join method, which expects an array as first argument, and the separator as the second

join(map(original_collection,string_field_key), " ") for StringA StringB StringC
or join(map(original_collection,string_field_key), "") for StringAStringBStringC