Collection list behaviour on mobile turns white onscroll and does not register onPress events on div

Hey there guys, tried to ask this question during yesterday’s office hours, but was told to reach out here instead.

I have a collection that I fetch on page load. Each collection item has background images to it which are optimised and I am using ImageKit as my CDN. This is how it is setup on the frontend,

On the published site, everything looks ok until I try it out on a physical device. In my case, an iPhone 12, running on iOS16.0 on both Chrome & Safari browser, the collection loads up correctly, but as soon as I start scrolling fast, the entire section turns white for about 3-4 secs before coming back on. See this video, Dropbox - - Simplify your life

On top of that, I have an on click workflow on the card itself, which basically replaces the div with the selected card, but on the mobile device, the click takes multiple tries to register and a few seconds more before it appears as the selected card (as seen on the video).

The onclick workflow, nothing fancy.

I recall Q mentioning it could be a device issue, but I can assure you it is not, as I tried it on my wife’s phone as well. I do not expect a super-snappy native-like experience, but something that does not feel broken would be nice to ship for my project.

Please do let me know if anyone could help on this. At the mean time, I am going to do some design improvements to try see if something else is causing this effect. Thanks in advance!

Hi, its definitely not the mobile experience we want for the published app!

Please, can I ask you to fill a ticket on ? With appropriate information like the project link we will investigate and see if we can fix it on our side or help your optimise your app :slight_smile:

Hey Alexis, thank you for getting back. I have created the support ticket. Hope my explanation is clear enough and that while reproducing the steps, the app would not break :stuck_out_tongue: As for the project link, I have included the URL of the published app instead, but in the event you need the project URL, you may look it up in my account as I only have 1 app I am currently working on. Thank you once again. Looking forward to hearing back from you guys!