Lately, I’ve hade some of these errors in my logs, “Cancelling collection fetch (navigation)”, and ofc. collection does not load.
I have it mostly when trying to load a collection upon “On mounted”, both inside/outside of components and other elements. Only way I’ve found to get around the error is to add a small delay in the workflow before loading the collection.
Hi, a collection fetch is canceled when it end in another page that the one it started.
What is your pattern, could you showcase through a loom video ? If you think its a bug you can report it on with steps to reproduce on your project (and credentials to login if required by your app) so we can try to figure out
I don’t know if it’s a bug or by design, but seems to me that the “on mounted” triggered collection load starts very early in the page load, and cancels during the page load.
The top one “Alle organisasjoner” is a component in an instance of the top menu, and I tried to load the collection both “on create” (new trigger) and “on mounted”, both with same result.
“Fetch this collection automatically” seems to not be working when the collection is needed inside a component, hence trying to load the collection inside the component instead, so it automatically loads wherever the component is used. Should work?
But, adding a Time delay of just 1 ms seems to fix it thought…
Tell me if you want me to report it to, I can do that if you think this is a bug.