@click event not working in the editors

I am working on a custom component and the @click directive does not respond but the @mousedown does? When published the click directive works as intended but it makes it difficult to develop and test without needing to publish.

For the meantime I just added code to the mousedown handler to also handle click events but this is not ideal.

I can’t find anything in the documentation as to something restricting this or a better workaround. weweb support told me to post in the community when asked.

Does anyone know a way to get the clck directive working in the editor and/or local dev editor?


wothout seing the code I think it’s because you need to switch to preview mode to test clicks (in your video you are in edit mode)

Thanks for responding, I feel silly now! I didn’t realize this because the other event were working.

no problem, it happened to me as well :slight_smile: