Classes for elements…
For a uniform design across my entire app, I’m looking into using classes assigned to each element.
I notice, especially for the ‘Select’ element, that I have to assign:
- A class to the select,
- A class to the text (used as placeholder and in the options).
This means that when I add my ‘select’ element to a page, I have to:
- Click on the select and assign the “select-standard” class
- Click on the placeholder and assign the “text-14px” class
- Click on each option and assign the “text-14px” class
Isn’t there a faster way?
- Perhaps adding one class to the entire select so it automatically applies to all elements inside, to avoid multiple clicks?
- Or defining a default class for an element? For example, so that whenever I add a ‘select’, it automatically has the ‘select-standard’ class by default?