Classes in WeWeb

I am new to WeWeb but coming from a Webflow power use base.

I have applied a class to an element and expected it to render out on staging. But I notice this does not happen. Is this true?

For example, if I give an element a class of .question, I would expect it to show

in the browser.

Hi @makermattevans :wave:

Not sure what you want exactly. :slight_smile: Classes should work. Can you show a screenshot of the problem or make a screen recording?

If I add a class of .question to an element in WeWeb I expected it to be visible in the browser as < div class=“question” >. However, I now understand this is not how WeWeb works - it converts the classes and associated styles into a component that is then rendered out on the browser.

So classes are pre-build classes. Unless of course you add the class as an attribute, but you cannot hook styles onto those values - yet.