Charts work perfect in the editor but are blank when live

The charts load perfect in the editor but they dont load on the live page? The data is making it there or it wouldnt be giving me the totals on the top of the charts. The charts just arent showing up. I have the charts being created from a collection. Do they need to be there own variable?

Hi @Blapril

What backend are you using? If you’re using Xano, make sure the live data source for the collection has the same structure as the test one. Even though you said you see the data giving the totals, I’m not sure how you are passing that data to the chart elements exactly.

I use supabase. But it is using a function getting the data in a table and putting it in a variable and using that variable as the data. I dont know if it is a bug or something I think it has something to do with the tabs element. When I put the charts on the 2nd tab it works perfect but if they are on the first tab it doesnt work. So weird. So I am just leaving them on the second tab. Thats my temporary fix.