Chartjs labels bug?

I have several charts with the chartjs plugin, all of which work well in advanced mode. I bind the “settings” object to a variable ww. When I want to customize the legend, specifically the labels, the chart crashes and is no longer displayed.
Here’s my object, at its simplest:

    "plugins": {
      "title": {
        "display": false
      "legend": {
        "position": "right"
    "responsive": true

If I add the labals configuration, as indicated in the chartjs doc, the chart disappears:

    "plugins": {
      "title": {
        "display": false
      "legend": {
        "position": "right",
        "labels": {
                  "pointStyle": "circle",
                  "usePointStyle": true
    "responsive": true

Hi @Geoffroy :wave:

Apologies for the late reply! Can you try adding maintainAspectRatio: false at the top of your object?

Hi @joyce

Following some discussions on the nocode slack, I was able to notice that after publishing the project, the chart did appear in the published project. It did not show up in the editor.
Finally, I don’t know how, but the chart shows up in the editor. Problem 50% solved, because if the chart shows up in the editor, the labels don’t.
The addition of “maintainAspectRatio”: false, unfortunately, doesn’t change anything.
I created a ticket about this a few days ago.

Hello @Geoffroy,

The dev team asked you more precision in the ticket you created. When you have time to answer :slight_smile:

Hi Maël,

There seems to be a bug because I can’t find any track of this ticket on my support account.

I sent you a private message. If you could answer me when you have time :slight_smile:

Don’t have any private message… :face_with_monocle: