Change page not functioning on image slider

Hello Weweb community,

I’m having a trouble when navigating on collection page.

When I click on sections just below my slider image which are configured with a Link to Collection Page it works seamlessly and goes to the according item that I clicked on.

In the other hand, when I set the same Link To Collection Page on the image element inside a slider component it changes the page but unfortunately it’s always into the same first item of the collection.

I’m binding the Link To Collection page at the image level because I need to use the arrow for sliding the images.

Here is a video of the scenario : Link To Collection Page not functioning — Tella

Any advice on how to handle a case like this ?

Please let me know if I do something wrong.

Thank you

Hi! I never worked with collection pages, but I find it suspicious that you add the link on the picture. I would expect that you have to add the link on the image slider itself.


hello @Max

I’m binding it at the image level because I need to use the slider arrow - that are inside the slider image component - in order to slide the picture :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey! I’m not sure if I got my point across. I just tested it:

You need to define the link to the collection page on the image slider component itself (green). But you defined the link on the image (red).

If the link is set on the slider, it will work, I’m sure :wink:

@Max Unfortunately if you link the slider itself, you then can’t use the slider because you can’t use the arrows to go through the different images. It will instantly start opening the collection page.

This is why one must link at the image level, so the arrows “essentially” have a higher z-index and can still be used.

Here’s a video showing what happens when you link the slider itself:

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